Newson greenlights discrimination on skin color and gender.

Reid asked Newsom if he would restore Kamala Harris’ Senate seat by appointing an African American woman to fill Senator Feinstein’s seat if and when she retires. Newsom said, yes. Firstly, Kamala Harris isn’t African American. Her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica. The Harris ancestry does not include the misery of American slavery. In fact, when she was sworn in by then-Vice President Biden to the Senate, Harris said she was the first Indian Senator. So, if we are going to go down this road of bigotry to fill positions on skin color and gender over qualifications, then Newsom needs to find the exact match in ethnicity to Harris.

And what about all the other women from the Hispanic, Asian, and Native American demographics? What about the men from those groups? No need to apply if your skin color isn’t of the proper hue. It is that racism that our country fought so hard to put behind us. What Newsom agreed to was the caste system that the country of India had in which people were locked into social classes based on who they were born to. Our former overlord, the United Kingdom has that caste system too. What made this country great was the people with a high drive with intelligence weren’t stifled by a ruling class. That’s why the United Kingdom is but a shadow of its former self.

Imagine if a governor said he or she was going to replace a retiring White male Senator with only a White male to preserve the ethnicity and gender of that Senate seat! Why stop at government service? Newsom has just given every bigoted person charged with hiring to hire solely on gender and skin hue. And what’s up with the gender preface by Reid and Newsom. They are both Democrats. Men can be women and women can be men. That’s what the Democrats have been screaming for months. Biden appointed a Man-Woman to the Department of Health. See the radiant beauty in Doctor Levine in the below picture. 

Joe Biden normalized picking people base on their gender and skin color. Biden told the country he would only pick as his Vice President a woman of color.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.