The heavy cross I bear.

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I am [beset] with dark foreknowledge of what is to come. Yesterday, Scott Adams was certain the powers-at-be will allow the people to elect Donald Trump to a second term. Adams was certain that Biden would resign two years into his presidency. I knew with absolute certainty that Biden lied that he wouldn't seek a second term. Therefore, I knew Biden would not resign. I told all of this to Scott Adams. Adams, being a mere mortal with all of the [frailties] that come with mortality, namely pride, has chosen not to heed my counsel of what…

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How things have changed in my lifetime

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I was adopted by a couple who lived through the Great Depression. Neither of them grew up with running water or electricity. My mom grew up on a farm that her father rented. Whereas, my father grew up in a town setting. Mom's family had little money, but they had a lot of food for the five of them. However, Dad's family of six had little money or food. The lesson is, it's best to control large sections of land when hard times befall us. Neither of the families owned a vehicle. The farm ran on animal…

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Does Biden intend to visit genocide upon the Red States?

Even before the January 6th incident, many mainstream Democratic Party leaders were calling for lists to be compiled of President Trump's voters for the purpose of retribution. The mockingbird media has been amplifying this call for retribution on the individuals that voted for President Trump. The media talking heads are calling on employers to fire those that did vote for President Trump. CNN talking head, Don Lemon said of all people that voted for President Trump are Klansmen. CNN talking head, Brian Stelter said of the same people that they are all terrorists. No Democrat to include…

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