Yes, Eric Matheny, Biden will violate our rights.

Eric was rightfully concerned about the fact the Oval Office occupant is planning to send government agents door to door across America to ensure 100% compliance on Covid-19 vaccinations. Eric said the citizens have no obligation under the constitution to invite federal agents into their homes. Here's the thing; federal agents can do anything, even violate America's citizens' constitutional rights with no consequences. Joe Biden reading from a teleprompter said, "No amendment in the constitution is absolute." He was speaking of our second amendment. If no amendment is absolute in the constitution, then nothing is absolute in…

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Be more ruthless than the ruthless to save the Republic.

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I fully expect the government will murder me, Mark Pullen, over what I will reveal in this post. I pose no physical threat to anyone or any institution. My condition is much like the last years of Stephen Hawking's. While I'm not even close to what his intelligence was, I am in the top 2% for intelligence. And like Hawking, I have nothing but time to consider how the people of this great nation are being manipulated and being deceived.What started my consideration was this question: Why are the legacy media and big tech on the Democrats'…

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It was the Intelligence Agencies, it was them behind the curtain.

Please indulge me for a bit to explain how I arrived at my revelation. I had been thinking about the wording of another article from 1 am to 5 am in my mind that is trapped within an ALS riddled body. It is odd how life works out. My dream job was to be a fellow at a Washington DC think tank. Another thought of mine was it wouldn't be so bad to be under house arrest for a year. Well, I am in a one-person think tank now and I've been essentially under house arrest for…

Continue ReadingIt was the Intelligence Agencies, it was them behind the curtain.