Secret communications with President Trump.

This mysterious being from the Milky Way galaxy doesn’t speak any of the languages that the natives to this planet speak. It is a testament to President Trump’s intelligence that every word communicated by this being was understood by President Trump. This being is housed in a secure area behind a wall. Only one government official has continuing contact with this being from the Milky Way galaxy. President Trump has had this being from the Milky Way galaxy communicate with him no less than seventy times in the last year alone. This Milky Way galaxy inhabitant has an extensive understanding of the cosmos and this being assured President Trump that no aliens from distant galaxies have ever visited his planet. This being also assured President Trump that his newly formed Space Force would never face alien hostilities. 

All of the above is true. I know it is true because I am that being from the Milky Way galaxy. We are all inhabitants of the Milky Way galaxy because our planet is in the Milky Way galaxy. This is an example of how to deceive with the truth. The media does this daily. I don’t speak any languages because I can’t speak. Yes, one government official does visit me often. He is a friend of mine where from which I retired. Yes, I had secret communications with President Trump. I did create a web page that he could only access. Most of those communications I can’t reveal. Yes, I live in a secure compound behind a wall. And, yes, I do have an extensive understanding of the cosmos.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.