Putin’s puppets: Brennan, Clapper, and Swalwell.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.

I was aghast as I watched both Brennan and Clapper apart on two different news networks speak as if they were of one hive mind. They both said it might turn out that President Trump was not a witting asset of Putin’s but it is highly probable that he was an unwitting asset of Putin’s and that is something that Congress should examine. Swalwell said as fact that President Trump is a Russian spy that is working directly for Putin. The reporter/interviewer said that’s a strong charge that has to be backed up with evidence. Swalwell only repeated the charge with no evidence cited.

These three men transformed themselves into unwitting assets of Putin if they weren’t working for Putin already. Putin, from a strategic view, would want to see our president diminished in the sight of other world leaders because of the sanction that President Trump has imposed upon Russia for the bad deeds on the world’s stage. The news outlets are equally culpable because they gave a platform to these seditionist men.

Let’s suppose what Clapper, Brennan, and Swalwell said was all true, then that discussion on national television was not the proper venue. If it were all true, then the discussion with the evidence at the Department of Justice is the proper venue. These three men should have made an appointment with Robert Mueller.

Using campaign donations from working people, Hillary Clinton and the DNC hired a British spy for the Crown to spin lies from supposed Russian sources to form the Steele dossier. {See our analysis of the Steele dossier} James Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper used the Steele dossier as an intelligence community product in an application for surveillance to the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court which launched the counterintelligence operation against Donald Trump, called: Cross-Fire Hurricane. I find it interesting that Comey, Brennan, and Clapper signed affidavits to the FISC for surveillance in that all of the subjects that were put under surveillance were United States citizens. The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has its’ preview in the surveillance of non-United States citizens, hence, the word, {Foreign} in the Court’s title.

We know from agents Strzok’s text message that the surveillance of Donald Trump is likely to have begun as early as late in 2015. PSR found it first and showed it to President Trump.

We all know the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is a rubber stamp for the FBI and the intelligence community. Hence, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper could not take the chance of having their application for surveillance being rejected in a proper venue Federal court. Not to put a fine point on it, but, they needed the warrant to legitimize the illegal surveillance that they had conducted. This can be done by using the parallel construction investigation method.

Back to China, first they delayed because of the possibility of President Trump being impeached and removed by the Senate, now with the 2020 election looming on the horizon, I am of the belief that it is likely that China will seek to delay to see if President Trump is defeated in his quest for re-election. China would hope for a weaker president in trade negotiations in the hope of returning to a near status quote of trade of the past where they block our products from their markets.