If elected, Biden will be our first idiot president

Biden said Trump is our first racist president. Hello, Joe, we have had presidents who have had slaves while they were in the office of the presidency. Trump has said on many occasions that he is the least racist person in the world. That may be true. A recent release of an FBI document points toward that the FBI recorded the events and conversations in all of the Trump family residences. We know for certain if any racist conversation occurred in the Trump residences, the FBI would have leaked the recording to the media.

For almost four years various individuals have claimed they were in possession of a recording where Donald Trump had used racist language to include saying the word n@gg$r. All those people turned out to be liars. Those claims always are made right before elections, 2016, 2018, and that claim will be made right before November third. All the Democratic Black American leaders liked Trump before he ran for the presidency as a Republican.  

Meanwhile, Biden was palling around with racist. Senator Harris called Biden out on the debate stage for this and all Biden could do is to hang his head in shame while frowning. Byrd was a former member of the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd claimed he had quit the Klan but a letter surfaced that showed he had not quit until many years later after his claim. Byrd was a “secret” member of the Klan for many years into his tenure in Congress as a Senator. As the saying goes; you are judged by the company that you keep. Even better; birds of a feather flock together.

Biden recently said we have to return the mindset of the Franklin D. Roosevelt presidency. Roosevelt was racist. Roosevelt, a Democrat, forced American citizens off of their land which they had to sell or Roosevelt would have their land seized. Then Roosevelt put those citizens in internment camps. Yes, it was in the time of war, but the citizens’ constitutional rights don’t cease when a war begins.

And because the `woke’ Democrats are applying our social norms to our founding fathers, let’s see how modern era Democratic Presidents hold-up to the `woke’ standard. Truman had no people of color or any females in his cabinet: Condemned! Kennedy had no people of color or any females in his cabinet: Condemned! Johnson said n@gg$r in the Oval Office all the time, he had no people of color or any females in his cabinet: CONDEMN!!

By contrast, President Trump has people of color, females, females of color, homosexual[s] all of which are in positions of authority throughout his administration to include his cabinet. If Donald J. Trump is a bigot and a racist, then it is the one thing he is a failure in his life. The association of bigots and racists must be ringing the White House switchboard day and night to get President Trump to surrender his membership card.

Published by Chief Editor Sammy Campell. Written by Mark Pullen.