OMG, where’s your backbone, Mr. Bloomberg?

As America watched Warren savage Bloomberg in the last two debates, our staff at DC Document Reports wondered what threat Bloomberg was under. A threat is the only explanation as Bloomberg must be in the top one percent of intelligence to have acquired the wealth of those at the top .0001%.

We were screaming come-back lines to the television as Warren savaged him. Bloomberg must have known all of Warren’s lies that make her vulnerable on the debate stage. We believe because Bloomberg didn’t defend himself from Warren’s attacks, he is unfit to be the president of the United States.

Stop and Frisk; police officers go where the crimes are occurring. Stop and frisk was instituted to protect women and children from gun violence that was being perpetrated by young men daily. Bloomberg should have touted how many lives the policy saved.

Nondisclosure agreements[NDAs]; Come-back line; Senator Warren, that’s coming from a woman who used cultural appropriation to get a job and thereby take away that job from a deserving minority. That line would have applied to Warren’s attacks on Stop and Frisk also. Warren also reversed a ME-TOO at her first job. She said she was fired by her principal for being pregnant. The Free Beacon acquired the records from that school district. She had quit even though they offered her a renewed contract. Warren repeated that lie on the debate stage last night next to Bloomberg.

As for Buttigieg; Bloomberg; America will be interested in your opinion after you are elected and successfully run New York City as its’ mayor. Until then, go back to the children’s table.

As for Sanders; Bloomberg should have made Sanders define socialism. When he pointed to Nordic countries, Bloomberg should have quoted those countries’ Prime Ministers’ protest on Sanders’ mislabeling them as socialist countries. Socialism is where the government owns the production of the country and the government controls the economy.

Bloomberg let it slip that he bought the House of Representatives 2018 flip for the Democrats. Bloomberg has stated that Sanders’ policies would destroy America. 

We believe if Sanders won the nomination, Bloomberg would cut off all funding to the Democrats just in case Sanders won the general election. Sanders would need both the Senate and the House of Representatives to have a majority of Democrats to enact all of his America destroying policies.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.