Prof. Karlan’s psychosis is TRUMPINGNING.

Karlan displayed anger while shouting incoherent nonsense during her testimony. I suppose at one time she was intelligent, but her psychosis has neutralized her high intelligence and thus, her judgment. Karlan is so far along in her mental illness that I doubt that Donald Trump triggered her displays of rage in public for the first time.

See Karlan incorrectly interpret a sentence that President Trump spoke. Below this video clip, I have displayed the phone record.

Left page, first sentence: You can see that, us, to tied to, country, in this sentence. Moreover, this favor that President Trump has asked for is about the contents within the first paragraph. During Karlan’s testimony, she makes the assertion that President Trump is making demands of President Zelenskyy. I draw your attention to the green underlined sentences on the pages left and right. if that’s possible / so if you can look into it, are not phrases of demands. As for the quid pro quo(something for something) The word, favor, is defined as: A request for something with no obligation in return.

In this video clip, we hear Karlan admit that she can’t walk past a building that has President Trump’s name on it. People with mental illnesses are unable to hide their afflictions.

Mark Dice does a grand job of putting relevant clips together in this video of his.

In closing, imagine what harm Professor Pamela Karlan would do to our country if she was a judge on the Supreme Court or a judge on the ninth circuit court of appeals.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.