Is Schiff in peril from Putin’s assassins?

Adam Schiff has been saying for the last three years that Donald Trump is an asset of Vladimir Putin. In his closing arguments to remove Donald Trump from the White House, Schiff implored the Senators to convict President Trump because Trump might give Alaska to Vladimir Putin. Schiff went on national networks and said he had seen classified documents that proved beyond any doubt that Donald Trump is working for Russia.

Let’s suppose Schiff is telling the truth and he’s correct. That would make Donald Trump the most valuable asset that Russia has ever possessed. We know Vladimir Putin has no qualms in killing people outside of Russia. Just a few days ago, a man that had been vocal in his criticism of Putin had his throat slit outside of Russia. Putin has had a person poisoned with Polonium, a radioactive isotope. That poisoning took place in the United Kingdom. Putin’s reach is vast. Putin was a KGB officer and he was stationed in East Berlin. I’m sure he has killed people by his own hands. That means he wouldn’t balk at giving orders of assassination. 

So, what does this fact pattern mean? Adam Schiff still drawing breathe means he’s the biggest liar in Washington D.C. Moreover, Schiff by advancing these lies, he has played into Putin’s plans to undermine our President’s standing with other heads of state.

The reality is, Schiff is the one that is the threat to our national security, not Donald Trump. 

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.