Hillary Clinton falsely claims that President Trump asked Russia to hack her.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen.

Hillary Clinton, by posting this lie, she has estimated that all citizens are stupid. There was nothing to hack! She ordered her email server Bleach-Bit wiped. Paul Combetta, a PRN employee, complied with a work ticket that was generated from a conference call with Clinton’s lawyers. Her email server was taken offline and by all accounts, was destroyed.

This was what Candidate Trump said. Note he used the word, “find”. Also, he was joking at Clinton’s expense. It was common knowledge that the server had been wiped and destroyed. In this clip, Trump repeats what he said at the rally that Clinton cites in her Twitter post.

Pacific Standard Reports does know where the missing emails were and possibly where they are now. The National Security Agency had all of Hillary Clinton’s emails until sometime in September of 2015.

When James Comey was fired, he had Clinton’s emails in his office safe. Note that on item 17 TOP SECRET was crossed out. It is likely that the white binder had been sleeved for CDs. See our article {James Comey: agent for chaos}. If the FBI did not destroy the white binder’s content under FBI Director Wray’s direction, then all of Clinton’s emails from the NSA’s collection are on the 7th floor of the Hoover Building, FBI headquarters.

In closing, we will give this advice to Hillary Clinton, Pacific Standard Reports knows your case six ways from Sunday. We are waiting in the wings for your run for the presidency in 2020. For your own sake, don’t run, for our own amusement, please run.