Griffin tried to incite the murder of our President.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched and written by Mark Pullen.

I was hesitant to reprint this article until I saw Griffin lying to these people.

Go to the time-stamps, please.

7:38 Man: I knew the backlash you would receive. Why put yourself through that over Donald Trump?
Griffin: You have to stand up.

If you continue listening you will hear Griffin say she had worked for Donald Trump on two occasions. If Trump was so horrible, then why did she take his money for employment?

8:18 Woman: Did you really anticipate the backlash, It would be that bad?
Griffin: no.

Griffin’s no, was a lie. View this video to hear her concern that she might go to prison or have to flee to Mexico.

An interesting view into Kathy Griffin’s view of reality.

Kathy Griffin signals to Muslims and Democrats to kill our President. by Mark Pullen  5/31/2017

First, a brief history review. It was a Muslim that the USSR manipulated in an attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II. The Russian ambassador was shot and killed last year in Turkey. The shooter was a trusted member of the national police force assigned to the security detail for the Russian ambassador. After the shooting, the police officer yelled, “Allah Akbar”, before he too was killed. If you think this could never happen in the United States,  I’ll remind you, my esteemed reader, that a Muslim officer in our army, with the rank of a major, went on a killing spree at Fort Hood.  He too shouted, “Allah Akbar”, as he was killing his fellow soldiers.

I have warned President Trump to exclude Muslim soldiers, Muslims in the Secret Service, and police officers that are Muslims from any of his security details.  While it is true that most Muslims are trustworthy with the mantle of the authority in our services, it is my belief that there might be Islamic radical moles in these services awaiting their chance to harm this nation to include killing our President. Kathy Griffin is a very intelligent person. This was a highly calculated action on her part. Griffin knew that she would have to retract what she had posted. Griffin feigning contrition was a smokescreen for her true intention, that being to stir those with guns and knives close to our President to kill him. A kitchen is a dangerous place, with an abundance of knives. The President walks into the kitchen to look for a snack, but he is stabbed like Caesar on the Senate floor. This is the hope of Griffin. I suspect she was not alone in this plan. 

I would not be surprised that highly placed Democrat operatives were involved. The lawlessness we have seen these past months and the continuing ratcheting up in the threats to our President, I lay squarely upon James Comey and Loretta Lynch. These people that are trampling the rights of others, destroying property, and carrying out mock assassinations of our President believe they too are above the law like Hillary Clinton. Sadly, the President has contributed to this festering wound on this nation by not keeping his promise to direct the Justice Department to appoint a special prosecutor to tally the crimes committed by Hillary Clinton and bring her before a judge and jury.  I support our President one hundred percent. There will be those that will cry foul to me for my slight criticism of the President. But, I have to be honest, and call them as I see them. 


Lastly, the Democrat posters on the social media have pointed to the hanging of manikins that were made to look like our last President, Barack Obama. Thus, those morally and intellectually deficient individuals have declared that Griffin’s actions were just. They had poor mothering, in my opinion. One of the first lessons that my mother instilled in me was, “two wrongs don’t make a right”. What was wrong then, is wrong now.

Update 6/20/2017:  Once again my propheticalness shows up in my writing.  The NYC Public Theater has an abomination adaptation of Shakespeare’s play of Caeser rise to power, but a Donald Trump lookalike plays the Caeser role and is stabbed to death as Caeser was over two thousand years ago on the Rome’s Senate floor. James Devine has called for the hunting of Republicans after the shooting that took place at a baseball field where Republicans were targeted and shot by a Democrat that had worked for Senator Bernie Sanders. When will this madness end?  The answer is only when Democrats regain the White House.

Update 9/4/2017:  Griffin is talking big and bad. She retracted her apology and she has continued her incitement of murder of the President. Griffin is leaving the country to take her show to London. I wrote to the London venue saying what Griffin has done was no different than a United Kingdom subject doing the thing with the likeness of Queen Elizabeth or the Prime Minister’s head. If you allow Griffin to appear, it is putting your stamp of approval on Griffin to incite the murder of our President. 

Mister President, exiling Griffin, and freezing her assets would be a fitting punishment.