Cancel Culture to its logical conclusion.

Washington, the eleven-year-old boy, are we to condemn him for his inheritance of slaves and their retention that was mandated by the law? Then so be it! As Cancel Cultural Warriors [CCW], we must condemn Nancy Pelosi for not denouncing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not condemning Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib for their fawning following of a slaver, Muhammad, the founder of Islam. As CCW we must condemn all Imams worldwide for spreading Muhammad’s teachings. All Mosques forthwith must be razed to the ground. 

As CCW, we condemn all African Americans for the sins of their ancestors who sold them into slavery which has caused this current flare-up of strife in the United States of America. As CCW, we condemn all Native Americans for their ancestors’ enslavements of the conquered in the time of war.

AS CCW, we condemn the Pope and all Catholics for the following of Jesus. Jesus was an accomplice to institutionalized slavery. Jesus instructed slaves to obey their masters. The Vatican and all Catholic churches must be destroyed.

Lastly, as CCW, we condemn Governor Andrew Cuomo for his caudacity>[Displaying racial insensitivity while being white] of being a governor of a racist state. New York has the largest stone in the Washington obelisk monument. Moreover, as CCW, we condemn all occupants of New York and all of those who have entered New York. Ignorance of the State’s support to build a monument to a slaver that was the father of this nation is no excuse. Even if the Washington obelisk monument was torn down, the sin of the State, and thereby, all of those who have occupied space in New York, those people’s sins are irrevocable as is the nation’s white people’s legacy sin of slavery.

I could go on and on, but you get the point. I took some hours to read-up on George Washington.


Washington himself became a slave at the age of eleven when his father died. His father left him a 280-acre farm near Fredericksburg, Virginia, upon which the family was living and ten slaves. Everything around the young Washington would have reinforced the concept that God and society saw slavery as something which was right and natural.

His parents and neighbors owned slaves. Both the Bible and the classical works from ancient Greece and Rome which served as textbooks for young scholars of the period contained numerous references to slaves and the institution of slavery and detail laws governing the practice of slavery in those societies. By the time of Washington’s birth, slavery had a fact of Virginia’s life for almost a century and was a seemingly indispensable part of the economic, social, legal, and political fabric of the colony.

Who among us at the age of eleven years would have disputed what our society, parents, and religion told them what is correct? I will remind you that Jesus did not speak against slavery. Washington gradually changed from a young man who accepted slavery as a matter of course into a person who had decided to never again buy or sell another slave and he held hopes for the eventual abolition of the institution.

At the time Washington became a slave owner, it was against the law to free your slaves. So through his inheritance, the young Washington was put in an impossible position by our standards of today. In the course of time, the laws changed to allow a slave owner to free their slaves under certain conditions. Washington feared for his charges’ [slaves’] safety upon giving them their liberty.

After Washington died, those slaves that were only his were freed. Those slaves that were too old or infirmed to make their own way were allowed to remain on the estate. As Washington had feared, some of his former slaves had a difficult time feeding themselves and providing shelter for themselves. Some expressed the feelings of betrayal by Washington for their hardships. 

Washington’s situation was a complex one and those who judge him in the present are ignorant of the issues that he faced.

What troubles me about the tearing down of statues by the mobs is it’s not their property. As I see it, the toppling of statues is no different than the vandalism of private property. I would argue it lowers the inhibition to violate the property rights of others. This is born out in the wanton destruction that we are witnessing in our cities. Even worse, the media is acting as a cheerleader to these mobs of anarchists.

The Democrats and the media are in lock-step in their hypocrisy. CNN gives its approval to Sanders for his visit and admiration of Mount Rushmore and the four presidents. Fast forward just a year, the Democrats and the media are condemning three of the four presidents on Mount Rushmore, Mount Rushmore itself, and President Trump for visiting Mount Rushmore.

These calls to rewrite history and the violence are an indirect attack on the President and the silent citizenry. Their goals are to intimate the citizenry into compliance and to defeat President Trump in his bid for reelection. 

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.