We a hundred A.F.T.E.R.s!

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When I was eight years of age in 1969, there were no women with dicks. The Department of Justice did NOT run a two-tier justice system. My teachers did NOT post any propaganda in favor of sexual deviancy. My teachers NEVER asked me or any of my classmates if we were certain of our gender. There was no such thing as Drag Queen story hour in any school in America in 1969. No men or boys were allowed to enter women’s/girls’ private spaces. In 1969, it was a criminal offense for a man to enter women’s locker rooms knowingly. In 1969, it was a criminal offense for a man to peep at women in female private areas. In 1969, the FBI was mostly trustworthy and non-political. The President, Richard Nixon, never invited male transveties to the White House for any reason much less to ask for their advice as Joe Biden has done. President Nixon did NOT have any men in his administration who wore dresses believing they were women, but, Joe Biden has such people. In 1969, the military did NOT have any men wearing female uniforms, but, Joe Biden has such men among the officers’ ranks.

In 1969, there was no question who President Nixon was working for, but now, there are doubts about Joe Biden’s allegiance to the United States. Joe Biden appears to be working for the Mexican drug cartels and China. All of the craziness we are seeing in our society looks like a crack cocaine-smoking fiend, Hunter Biden, is responsible for because Joe Biden has in effect turned the running of the country over to Hunter. I only advance this theory about who is running the country because Joe Biden has said many times that Hunter is the smartest person he knows. Scott Adams shines his spotlight of truth on our election systems with searing sarcasm.

On the right is Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ daughter. I really enjoy this clip. The Democrats really eat up this B.S. Lol. “I know what mental illness looks like!” On the right is Jan Psaki. Scott Adams wrote on X; “

Summary: Okay, sure, the bloodbath thing might be an obvious hoax we are playing on the public, but you have to see it in the context of our Jan6th Insurrection Hoax and our other mindreading hoaxes.

I’m not making this up. They are rationalizing the new hoax because it fits with their other hoaxes so well it creates an unmistakable pattern.”

The Democrats are signaling to us that they intend to do one of three things before election day, kill Trump, imprison Trump, or rig the election. By calling Donald Trump Hitler, the Democrats are signaling they will use any means to prevent a second term of a Trump presidency. The State of Maine declared it won’t recognize a winner of Maine, which is likely Trump by the current polling. Maine plans to award its delegate to the candidate who wins the popular vote which will be Joe Biden or another Democrat who replaces Joe Biden. Republicans seldom win the popular vote because of New York’s and California’s deep blue population centers. Donald Trump’s only path to a second term rests on winning the Electoral College vote.

A.F.T.E.R.: America First Tenacious Era of Revolutionaries

In the face of corrupt elections and a justice system, there is no other choice to combat this corruption by forming covert A.F.T.E.R. cells. These cells would disappear corrupt, judges, District Attorneys, Election Officials, Government Officials, Congresspersons, and other corrupt persons. Weeks before President Trump departed the White House, I advised him to step down to receive a blanket pardon from President Pence. I predicted all of the Lawfare against Donald Trump. I told Donald Trump of my covert cell plans, but alas, Donald Trump is too nice. For instance, I as Donald Trump would have already called in favors to remove Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Dan Goldman from the country to serve notice to not זיון with any Trump.

Written by Mark Pullen.