There goes Pennsylvania.

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I pray this election was rigged for Fetterman, otherwise, the people of Pennsylvania are at the peak of the stupid. The Democrats claim Republicans voted in droves for this brain-damaged wokester. Pennsylvania selected as its senator this small-time failed mayor over a well-educated heart surgeon, Doctor Oz. Fetterman can’t even process the words he hears. And when he speaks, he speaks mostly in gibberish. Fetterman makes Joe Biden sound like a silver-tongued devil.

I have ALS, which has robbed me of my ability to speak. Nevertheless, I fully understand what is said to me. Only my motor neurons are damaged. I am infinitely more qualified than Fetterman for a Senate seat. I can’t help but wonder why Donald Trump is running for the presidency. In my opinion, Trump can’t win. It is glaringly apparent the swing states still have election corruption. In my opinion, no matter how slight the election fraud, death should be administered to the offender. In my opinion, America deserves all of the woes that come its way.

I hold this view because of the moral decay that is present in every state, county, and in most school districts. When I was in grade school through high school, there weren’t any pornographic books in our libraries, nor did we have homosexual men holding drag queen shows. I’m certain if either had occurred, heads would have rolled. Fetterman is in favor of both in our schools. For an eye opener, see this Twitter account, @LibsofTikTok.

Published by Editor Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.