We have lost so much more than we have gained.

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In my lifetime, the above picture represents the technological progression to date. For the youngsters from left to right, vacuum tube, transistor, and integrated circuit. When I was a young boy, the world ran on vacuum tubes. TVs were huge and the vacuum tubes needed a minute to warm up to produce a picture and sound. Those early TVs needed periodic maintenance too. We had a TV repairman who came every so often to change out the vacuum tubes that were getting weak.By no means, this era was not perfect for everyone. Our Black sisters and brothers…

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Transsexualism; the truth.

To have to address this idiocy is astonishing. XY≠XX. Likewise, XX≠XY. Mister Levine, pictured above was before Senator Rand Paul for questioning for confirmation as Biden's assistant health secretary. Senator Paul asked Levine if a three-year-old child was able to give informed consent for sexual reassignment surgery. Levine responded with a word-salad of refusal to answer this yes or no question. Thirty years ago, my three-year-old daughter was making a mess at her toilet. I went in with her to watch her pee. To my astonishment, Brianne was standing at the toilet while peeing. I told her…

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