ICYMI-Mark Pullen reports the latest happenings.

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  • Post category:Opinion

I had wondered why Paul Sperry had been banned from Twitter. Sperry's reporting for the New York Post made it possible for me to defeat much of the redactions in the FBI's report on Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information. Adam Schiff had made the demand to ghost Sperry because Sperry had accurately identified Schiff's whistleblower against President Trump. While Schiff was lying, his critics on Twitter were exposing Schiff as a liar with receipts. In turn, Schiff demanded those truth sayers be ghosted from Twitter. Schiff violated the First Amendment rights of hundreds of Americans.25.Twitter was…

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People of Nancy’s ilk lost their heads in Paris.

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  • Post category:Pandemic

I have stood on the very spot where people like Nancy Pelosi justifiably so faced the blade of the guillotine. Pelosi sat in the lap of luxury eating her decadent ice cream out of her two twenty-thousand dollar refrigerators while people went hungry. Insult to the people's injury; Pelosi for doing nothing, not doing her job as the person who wields the most political power in Washington, all the while, Pelosi was pulling down nearly a quarter-million dollars in her annual salary. Pelosi receives $18,624 a month from the people who she treats as her serfs. I…

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