Reparations; a social experiment lasting 120-years.

The officer shooting of knife-wielding Ma’Khia Bryant and the immediate reaction from Joe Biden, LeBron James, and other leaders in the Black Community did set me to formulate a plan for reparations. Note; the officer did his duty to protect the Black girl from knife-wielding Bryant. Lebron James issued a death threat on Twitter against the police officer. Joe Biden labeled the shooting as an example of police violence in his written statement. The media fanned the flames of this reckless rhetoric. The headlines should have read: White police officer saves a Black girl from certain death. Joe Biden and the other Democrats also said this action by the police officer is an example of systemic racism among the police. This was all too much for me to bear. I wrote weeks before the verdict in the Chauvin trial that Chauvin had murdered George Floyd>


This reparation period shall not endure more than one hundred and twenty years. No law enforcement official shall detain or arrest anyone of African ancestry. All of those who are of African ancestry shall be released from any institutions of imprisonment. Any person may use that amount of force they deem reasonable to protect their property or their lives and they may use that self-determined level of force to protect the property and lives of others. There shall be a ban of entry to anyone of African ancestry during the period of reparations to the United States except for diplomats. No person of African ancestry may vote during the reparation period. Unlawful voting carries a prison sentence of ten years. Unlawful voting is the only punishable crime for which an African American can be imprisoned during the reparations period. All voting shall be done in person except for those who can’t vote in person. Those people shall use an absentee ballot. The absentee ballot shall have two witnesses attesting under penalty of imprisonment the voter is not an African American.

Before you run with your hair on fire from the voting rule, read on. The cornerstone of our Republic is no taxation without representation. African Americans won’t be paying, property taxes, state income taxes, or federal income taxes. Remember, only through the threat of violence by law enforcement can the government force a person to pay taxes. African Americans will have total immunity from the payment of taxes as they can’t be arrested. African Americans need not get driving licenses either. And since African Americans can’t be arrested for trespassing, they may attend any university of their choosing. While the government can’t force the instructors to give tests and grades, those African Americans could learn and ask their teachers to grade them. All through my life, I have thought, but for taxes, I could live well. In a heartbeat, I would have given up my right to vote in exchange for not paying taxes. 

I don’t steal, nor do I rob, nor do I murder. I don’t do those things not because it’s unlawful, but because my inner voice tells me those actions are wrong. A small percentage of the population is responsible for all of the crime that society suffers through yearly. Freemarket principles will slash the crime rate during the reparation period. The police won’t respond to crimes where African Americans are the perpetrators. Those Black communities where the crime rate is high will become over time self-policing through citizen intervention. Black citizens will have the ability to carry the weapons of their choice because of their immunity. Thus, Black citizens will become the chief law enforcement body during the reparation period. White folks will want to have Blacks folks living in their neighborhoods for this reason. In time, it will be thought it is the safest place to be standing next to a weapon-strapped Black citizen. Our nation’s jails’ and prisons’ populations will be diminished because the criminals won’t enter the judicial system. Those criminals will be dispatched by Black citizen justice.

Another interesting outcome will be the rise of interracial marriage. The institution of marriage has an economic component to it. The homosexuals have cried they were denied this advantage until homosexual marriage was recognized by our government. This inducement to marry African Americans will over the reparation period reduce racial tensions to non-existence. Chicago’s police budget for 2021 is $1.69 billion. Imagine if Chicago was able to cut its’ police budget by a third to a half of this astronomical amount. Now imagine this savings across the nation in our big cities. I believe this reparation plan would allow this money to be diverted to education for all of those who wish to improve themselves.

And we come to my favorite aspect of this reparation scheme. Our corrupt politicians wouldn’t be able to move about unfettered. My starting list for the warriors of reparation; Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Ted Lieu, and Jamie Raskin.

I was against reparations because the guilty parties are long dead as too as those that did the enslavement. To punish those who committed no crimes is unjust. However, let’s take this reparation logic to its’ logical conclusion. The Jews are owed reparations from every American who has German blood coursing through their veins. The Jews are owed reparations from every Egyptian-American for the enslavement by Egypt some 5,000 years ago. Every Muslim-American owes reparations to the Jews for their founders, Muhammad’s enslavement and murders of the Jews, and his instruction to his followers to do as he did. It is well documented in the Quran.

But wait, there’s a personal twist; with few exceptions, we are all products of rape. If you had the ability to interview all of your female ancestors, many of them would tell you they had been raped. Below is a picture of me in the year 1980. Though I am of Spanish ancestry, the people of the Middle East mistake me for being from Jordan, Iran, or Iraq. There is a simple explanation for this confusion. I too am a product of rape. The Moors, Muslims, invaded Spain in the 8th century. Muslims raped my female ancestors for 800 years. Because I have Moor blood coursing through my veins as a product of rape, do I owe reparations to the Jews? Oh, the Moors were big on enslaving Africans as well. The only reason you don’t see a large African population in the Middle East is superstition. Muslims were afraid of the virility of Black men. As a result, the Muslims had the practice of castrating their Black male slaves. Seems to me every Muslim owes reparations to every African.

And if we are going down the path of ancestry punishment, then Joe Biden’s children and grandchildren must atone for Joe Biden’s sins. Joe Biden made the effort with his segregation buddies in Congress to block the busing of Black youths to better schools. Joe and his buddies wanted to keep African Americans ignorant and poor. Oh, Joe didn’t stop there, he authored the 1984 crime bill which President Clinton signed into law. We all know full well how the draconian sentencing provisions affected the Black Community. All of Joe Biden’s progeny must atone!

And another thing to consider, why hasn’t Joe Biden or any Democrat proposed to NOT accept taxes from African Americans?  The answer is simple, the reparation promise from Democrats is akin to the carrot on the stick. Lastly, Scott Adams has said put a plan out in the world to have others improve it. I’m open to tinkering.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen