Raskin is inciting future murders and mayhems.

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Raskin told that same dangerous lie that Biden told at every opportunity that got people murdered, disfigured, and their homes set on fire. The “Very fine people” hoax is the most dangerous political lie in this country’s history. The claim is that then-President Trump called Nazis that marched in Charlottesville very fine people. It was a deviously edited video clip that made Trump appear to be praising the Nazis. The transcript portion and the sentence that was left out in Raskin’s video clip shown below.

Clearly, the media complex was trying to get a damaging sound bite from this presser. This hoax gave people the license to kill in the name of anti-fascism. Raskin’s hatred for Trump equals Biden’s lust for power in that the conventional wisdom says Trump won’t be convicted, therefore, Raskin is inciting future murders and mayhems just to sully the image of Trump.

It is evident that Trump was speaking to the question of the statue removal issue. Then I watched in astonishment as Raskin read Trump’s mind from 990 miles away. And then, Raskin put words in Trump’s mouth from that mindreading. Then Raskin did the most amazing thing that I have ever witnessed. Raskin actually time-traveled mindread Trump on January 6th. Raskin said Trump thought this and that when Trump saw this and that. An example of Raskin’s mindreading; Raskin said Trump was telling “THE BIG LIE” by saying the election was stolen from him. Both things can be true at the same time. Biden could have won the election and Trump could believe with certainty that the election was stolen. Therefore, Trump wouldn’t be lying, but he would be misinformed. Some blame rests on Trump and those election officials who defied the court’s orders for transparency. The blame on Trump is for not heeding my advice that I gave him privately to send in US Marshals to enforce the court’s orders to restore transparency.

As to the January 6th event, there is plenty of blame to be handed out. The  1/6 riot at the Capitol was set in motion by a chain of events. If one link in that chain had been broken, the storming of the Capital would not have occurred.

Firstly, if the election process had been transparent, the 1/6 riot wouldn’t have happened.

According to the impeachment managers, the FBI was fully aware of plans to disrupt the proceedings on 1/6. Why weren’t there more law enforcement officers at the Capitol? Was President Trump informed?

President Trump should know how persuasive he is and he and his surrogates should not have spoken at the rally in DC.

The rally in DC shouldn’t have been held.

Here is where I become really disappointed with President Trump. I read the insurrection act passed by Congress. President Trump was obligated to send in the military or give aid from the very beginning when the throng got past the Capital police barricades. I wasn’t surprised though, I had advised him to send in federal troops with law enforcement to restore order in Chicago and the other cities that were being looted and burned. I told President Trump if that action lost him the election, then America didn’t deserve him as its president.

Moreover, contrary to what the impeachment managers said ad nauseam, our democracy wasn’t in peril. If it was, then we are wasting trillions of dollars on the military.

The credibility of the House impeachment managers is being strained to the limit of credulity. They falsified a statement by Senator Mike Lee. They entered the “fine people” hoax into evidence. They falsified a Twitter post by a woman. Click the, Just the new, link to read the article.

In closing, it would be hard to not convict President Trump while he was in office for not rendering aid at the onset of the riot, but that isn’t the charge. The charge is inciting an insurrection. There’s the whole intent matter that Comey took pains to explain to the nation as to why Hillary wasn’t charged. Then there’s the Senate’s jurisdiction matter. Just because the Senate voted to have jurisdiction doesn’t make it so. Jurisdiction is bestowed from a higher authority, as in a court, the voters, or the constitution.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.