POTUS, we will caution you on a Saudi soil base.

There are so many hazards in placing our military personnel on Saudi soil. Osama bin Laden was able to form Al-Qaeda because of our past military presence in Saudi Arabia. Osama bin Laden considered all of Saudi Arabia to be of holy soil because Saudi Arabia holds Mecca within its’ borders. This perceived trespass against Islam ultimately led to the 9/11 attacks. Like then, the Saudi Arabia government paid in full for the construction of the military base in which our military personnel occupied. 

Melania was able to appear as she did among the Saudis only because of her station as the First Lady of the United States. Our female military personnel will not be afforded that tolerance by the Saudi religious police. Additionally, our female personnel will have to be escorted by males outside of our base.

No doubt the NCOs’ and officers’ clubs will be dry as it is forbidden to have alcohol spirits within the Saudi Kingdom. 

They cut off women’s heads over the mere accusation of adultery, hang homosexuals, hang, behead or imprison anyone that says anything critical of Islam or Muhammad. In our opinion, placing our military personnel on Saudi soil gives our stamp of approval to such barbarism. 

Men will be men as you know, Mister President. Our military males in Saudi Arabia will not have the ability to mingle with the indigenous female population as they do in Europe. That will cause problems also.

We understand the lure of Saudi Arabia’s commitment to pay in full for our presence on their soil. It is our belief that no good can come from our presence in Saudi Arabia. Israel’s location would virtually afford the same response time to defend Saudi Arabia from Iran. Why not have the Saudi Arabia government fund our protection from Israel? Turkey hosts our military presence. Turkey borders Iran. Why risk an Osama bin Laden 2.0

Why does Saudi Arabia need protection from Iran? Saudi Arabia has our F-15’s, F-16’s and they have purchased billions of dollars of our military equipment recently. Iran doesn’t have a modern air force.

It is time for Saudi Arabia to stop outsourcing for all of their needs and step-up and protect themselves.

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.