Patrick Byrne’s account rings as true from the documents in our possession.

We judge Byrne believes he is not lying. Whether what he’s saying is accurate is another question. Going on the assumption that his account is accurate, then it fits into our theory that is supported by three documents. 1. Byrne claims the FBI’s leadership wanted to blackmail Hillary Clinton. 2. Espionage activities that were conducted by the FBI did start well before the date of July 31st, 2016. 3. These espionage targets were the campaigns of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump.

We would be remiss not to entertain the possibility for confirmation-bias on our part, so take that into consideration in your own deliberations.

The FBI has used blackmail before. Director Hoover directed his agents to lie to the courts in order to obtain wire-taps on phones and for the implantation of listening devices in buildings. Director Hoover did refer to Doctor Martin Luther King junior as a radical negro and he did this to Doctor King. Doctor King was revealed to have had sex outside of his marriage. Doctor King when confronted by FBI agents, he didn’t succumb to the blackmail attempt.  

Our theory: James Comey said that he expected Hillary Clinton would win the election. Agent Strzok let Hillary Clinton off the hook for three lies that she told to agents during her July second, 2016 interview. James Comey testified that Hillary Clinton had not lied to his agents. See the documentation for her lies here> DOJ/FBI: We show how-why Hillary & others should’ve been prosecuted. We believe those lies that were told by Clinton were held back as blackmail material. Clinton as the president, the Department of Justice would have refrained from charging Clinton; however, Congress could impeach and convict her. James Comey at the time of his firing, he did have Hillary Clinton’s emails in his office safe. Agent Strzok retrieved all of Clinton’s emails from the National Security Agency. We believe Comey was going to use those emails in his office safe to blackmail Clinton once she took her oath of office. We have registered an FOIA request with the FBI for those emails in the white binder. We believe the NSA had all of Clinton’s emails, even those that she ordered deleted.

This text message shows the FBI’s account as to when they started their surveillance of the political candidates is a lie. Agent Strzok testified that the surveillance started on candidate Donald Trump on the date of July 31st, 2016. The lures are people who are citizens of other nations that will act as agents for the FBI. It might be that Byrne was part of this effort to recruit these foreign nationals.

Patrick Byrne’s interview.

James Comey told Congress that he had briefed president-elect Trump on the Steele dossier, but he only briefed Trump on the golden showers portion that allegedly took place in a Russia hotel. And he did not give president-elect Trump a copy of the dossier. We believe this was the beginning of the end for Comey as a government employee. We believe Comey tried subtly to blackmail president-elect Trump with the dossier.

We clamor to see what information was gathered through the FBI’s espionage activities. 

Published by, Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.