My way to retire our nation’s debt is the only way to do so. I can say so because not one person has advanced any other plan to pay off 35 trillion dollars. I remember when we passed one trillion dollars in the 90s. I knew we were in trouble because of the power of compound interest. A trillion of anything is hard to fathom, be it units of distance or monetary value. To be clear, there aren’t 35 trillion dollars in physical existence. These trillions of dollars are digital dollars minus the nine hundred billion of physical dollars in circulation. To make the figure of $35 trillion fathomable, I did some math calculations. Laying $100 bills end to end is 4,098,840,613 miles or 170,785 trips around the Earth with $100 bills.

When I was a boy, we were on the gold standard, which meant in theory, that every dollar had a dollar’s value in gold on deposit at Fort Knox. Our inflation in the 70s was the result of reporting and the confirmation that the government had more dollars in circulation than gold on deposit. President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard after the French government demanded gold for the dollars of debt that it was holding, thus, calling our government’s bluff that every dollar was backed with gold. The government told its citizens that the dollar had value because it said so. Just eighty years before Nixon’s presidency, the citizens would’ve staged a revolt against the government for this action of President Nixon. The government was free to inflate the money supply at its whim now because it didn’t have a check of any value standard. In the 60s when I was a child, in the newspaper, auto dealerships ran ads for new cars for $3,500. That’s how much our dollar has been devalued.

Oddly, I owe my inspiration to Joe Biden and the Democrats for my plan to save America. It is an absolute certainty that we will fail as a nation under this crushing debt if we don’t toughen up to the Roman Empire level. Joe Biden said no Amendment is absolute. So, slavery is permissible under the right circumstances? Democrats say we are culpable for the sins/actions of our ancestors and reparations must be paid. In 2020, candidate Joe Biden promised African Americans reparations for their votes. Joe Biden to this date, hasn’t even made a peep about his promise of reparations.

My plan repaying the debt and repararations.

Following the Democrats’ doctrine, Ukraine, Italy, and Austria must pay reparations for the sins of their ancestors because those nations colluded with Germany during WWII. To pay off our debt, we will monetize the land and people in Ukraine, Austria, Italy, and Germany. To the nations we gave money for restorations after WWII, we will demand full repayment in gold at today’s market rate under the promise to monetize them too if they don’t comply. All nations that we have given aid to must repay on demand or risk being monetized too, All illegal aliens will be enslaved to be given to African Americans. The government will pay bounties to African Americans for the capture of any alien crossing the nation’s border. I justify these reparations because the flood of illegal aliens is meant to ultimately displace African Americans in employment. An alien’s country may pay a fee of $50,000 for their citizens’ return to avoid enslavement. As for Japan, it only owes America the money we spent to rebuild it after WWII, and of course, in gold.

Written by Mark Pullen.