Mark reports the news with his opinions.

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The United Nations on Lesbian Day told the masses that a lesbian can have either vagina or penis. Throughout Biden’s occupation of the White House, Biden has given Hamas your tax dollars which totals 2.7 billion dollars. So, Biden has, against your will, made you fund the beheading of babies, the raping of women, the mass murdering of adults, the taking of hostages, and the torturing of people of all ages. Biden has asked for 200 million dollars for Hamas humanitarian aid. I say Hamas because Hamas always steals the aid given to the people in Gaza. Moreover, Hamas was elected to govern. I repeat myself from the previous article, Biden giving $200 million to Gaza is to Canada giving aid to Japan after Japan’s sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

In Canada, reporters from Rebel News went to a swimming meet for 13-year-old girls to question the organizer if a 53-year-old man had swum against the girls. At first, he fainted no knowledge of a man registered in the meet. When the reporters pressed him with the man’s fake name, the organizer looked at the list and showed the list to the reporters. Of course, the reporters had the mothers confirm that a man had swum against their daughters. They asked the organizer why he allowed a man to register for this event, and he said; “Don’t ask me about gender, I don’t see genders. I write what people tell me about their age and gender.” Gender blindness, oh, that’s absurd.

Mathew Perry has passed away. My wife was with me when Scott Adams announced Perry’s death. Upon hearing of Perry’s passing, I raised my arms in my sense of another victory. Let me explain, I was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 12 years ago. The mortality rate is from 3 to 5 years. Perry was 10 years younger than me. Any gambler would have wagered that Perry would outlived me 13 years ago. To be clear, I do not take joy in the passing of Perry, but I do revel in my endurance. 

Biden is also planning to give Israel 2 billion dollars in aid. I’m all in on Israel’s side, but we are in 34 trillion dollars of debt. It’s my position that Israel or any other ally may have what they need if they pay for it. I believe Israel invited this attack from Hamas because of insufficient responses to missile attacks from Gaza. Israel will be damned by the United Nations for whatsoever it does, therefore, why not do the unthinkable? About my picture above. I am French, Spanish, English, and Italian. In my high school senior year, I had a few Iranian girlfriends. They were so pretty. They as a group asked if I was one of them. I wrongly out of ignorance told them, no. I would’ve married any of them and moved to Iran. They were so kind as they were beautiful. President Carter revoked their VISAs after Iran took our embassy staff hostage. Much later, I learned the Moors, Persians, had invaded sections of Spain, France, and Italy in the 13th century. These Moors raped the women of these countries. Thus, I have a lot of Iranian in me. In the South of France, I saw a lot of dark French men and women from the 13th Moors’ invasion.

I would smite Gaza as an Imperator of the Roman Empire. For every missile in an attack on the Israelis, I would inflect the shelling of Gaza City for a week at two hundred shells a day. Immediately after Hamas’ October 7th sneak attack, that day, I would have razed every square inch of Gaze City with 24/7 flights of Israeli F-35s and artillery shelling. Of course, the October 7th attack would’ve never occurred if I was Israel’s Imperator. Morality is of no concern to me when dealing with Islamic savages.

As Israel’s Imperator, my warning to all who would repeat the actions of the people of Gaza, I would see all of Hamas’ members who are taken prisoner crucified. Only doing the unthinkable will dissuade Israel’s enemies, in my opinion. I was disappointed to hear Benjamin Netanyahu say Israel was not in the business of revenge. I prefer retribution over the word of, revenge. If Japan had not carried out the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, President Truman likely wouldn’t have dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan. All of the nations took note of the United States’ retribution visited upon Japan. I hope Benjamin Netanyahu was speaking an untruth.

Written by Mark Pullen. Published by Editor, Sammy Campbell.