Joe’s stance on fossil fuels is untenable

Biden’s plans to eliminate the usage of fossil fuels is an example of staggering idiocy. This writer will layout the pitfalls starting with the food supply. Diesel fuel is a vital component in the country’s/world’s food chain. The farmers can’t till the soil, plant the seeds, water the crops, treat the crops for pest, or harvest the crops without the usage of diesel fuel. Corn silage is used to feed cattle, sheep, and other such ruminants (cud-chewing animals). Diesel fuel also plays a vital role in transportation and refrigeration of the foodstuffs from the farms to the processing plants, and then to the stores.

Without fossil fuels, the production per acre would drop dramatically, food spoilage would skyrocket, and the transportation of foodstuffs would be halted. Famines would ensue. Billions of people would die off until the country’s/world’s population fell to the levels prior to the industrial revolution. An alternative fuel such as hydrogen isn’t in the foreseeable future as a substitute for diesel.

Global trade would cease for any meaningful amount at the current world population level. There isn’t a substitute for jet fuel; a fossil fuel. Ships use heavy fuel oil which is also a fossil fuel in their engines and boilers. Without fossil fuels, even coal, ships would have to rely on the wind for movement. How is Biden as the president going to cross the oceans?

Without oil, we are back to wood, metal, glass, wool, bone, and fur. Think of a world without computers. Plastic[s] derived from oil make the modern world possible.

National defense: without fossil fuels any country that uses fossil fuels while we don’t may march-in and take the United States over with little effort. Liberals, that means your boogieman, Vladimir Putin will be your sovereign!

Hear for yourselves what Biden means to do. Biden lies about his intentions to ban fracking. Then we hear what he said last year. We hear Biden say, “I guarantee it, I guarantee it, we will end fossil fuel” along with similar statements.

There are millions of homes that are reliant on natural gas [ a fossil fuel ] for heating in the winter. Under Biden’s direction, those people will freeze to death before they starve to death.

This writer isn’t opposed to alternate fuel sources. At the current population of our country and the world, there isn’t a substitution for fossil fuels. 

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Written by Mark Pullen.