James Comey: an agent for chaos.

First, the Democrats lauded James Comey for his exoneration of Hillary Clinton. Then when James Comey sent this letter to Congress that informed them the investigation was being reopened, just ten days before the election, the Democrats howled for his firing and his prosecution under the Hatch Act.

Much to our chagrin, when President Trump fired James Comey, Comey was transformed into the Democrats’ knight in shining armor. Comey’s chaos can be laid at the feet of two weak women and an equally weak President. Sally Yates should have fired Comey for two reasons: 1. He raked Hillary over the coals without recommending charges to be filed, I would argue, Comey dealt a death blow to her campaign. 2. He usurped authority from Sally Yates as the Deputy Attorney General by holding that presser on his own. Note: Lynch did not recuse herself. See the Inspector General’s report page.

Seeing this unfold, President Obama should have stepped up and fired Comey himself. We ask: Why would James Comey think that it was necessary to deceive his superiors?

It is interesting that Comey was asked many times why he raked Hillary over the coals without recommending charging her, which is a violation of the Department of Justice policy, but not once did any Congressperson ask Sally Yates or Loretta Lynch why they did not fire James Comey, which is equally amusing to us. See James Comey play Sally Yates like a fiddle for his own amusement.

Hillary blamed Comey for her loss initially, but she received her talking points from command and shifted the blame to Russia. We all know that candidate Trump out worked Hillary. While Hillary was weeks on end drinking herself into a stupor in the Hamptons, candidate Trump was holding rallies, often three a day in three different states.

We review James Comey’s departure documents from the FBI and we found two things of interest. These documents can be viewed here>https://vault.fbi.gov/records-related-to-the-dismissal-of-fbi-director-comey/Records%20Related%20to%20the%20Dismissal%20of%20FBI%20Director%20Comey%20Part%2002%20of%2002/view

We are puzzled why Comey was allowed to assume his post as the director of the FBI without checking one of the boxes if he was or was not an agent for another nation?

James Comey told Congress he had briefed president-elect Trump on the Steele dossier but he only briefed Trump on the golden showers on the bed’s mattress in the Russia portion and did not give president-elect Trump a copy of the dossier. We believe this was the beginning of the end for Comey as a government employee. We believe Comey tried subtly to blackmail president-elect Trump with the dossier. Below on item 17, you will see that Comey had in his office safe a white binder that held Clinton’s emails which had been marked as Top Secret and later it was crossed out. It is likely that the binder had been sleeved for CDs. Those emails were, we believe, the emails that Peter Strzok seized from the NSA and are the emails that Clinton wiped from her subpoenaed server. Comey said repeatedly he believed Clinton would win the election. We believe Comey was going to use those emails as leverage against a possible President Hillary Clinton to keep his post, at the least, or as an agent of a foreign power, bent on controlling a sitting United States president. Why would Comey keep those emails in his office? J. Edgar Hoover did the same thing, holding blackmail material on U.S. politicians.

Below, there are two report pages from the FISC about abuse of surveillance on U.S. citizens. Note the names on the bottom red box. They were spying on candidate Trump for wholly political reasons through Carter Page. See article: Abuse of power by the FBI.

James Comey authorized the feeding of raw FISA warrant data to Democratic contractors. They, in turn, leaked the data to the media. We admit we are making an educated guess to the two of the three names of the contractors.

Compare the Comey memo page to the two Inspector General’s report pages below. Comey is hiding from the president the fact that the FBI is leaking and driving his/Comey’s actions.

This one of two graphs that show FBI agents were leaking to reporters under James Comey’s watch. The reporters according to the Inspector General were able to bribe agents for information by supplying sporting tickets or access to other events

James Comey had lost his control over his FBI agents. Here it is in black and white, journalists were able to bribe FBI agents.

More Comey memo pages for your inspection.

We ask: Why would James Comey lie to the American people about a candidate that is running for the presidency that endangered national security?

Why is James Comey still lying to Congress?

Below is a summary page from Flynn’s interview with FBI agent Strzok. Other than the redacted areas, the {no} in the red box is the only place that we saw trouble for Flynn. We are sure Strzok is referring to the DNC server(s). This narrative is straight out of the Steele dossier that Strzok did attest to as true with his signature on the FISC surveillance application. In the dossier, it states that Trump and his associates conducted the hacking operations on the DNC server(s) and planted moles within the DNC. We are wondering why Strzok did not query Flynn on these alleged activities that he signed off as true to the FISC?

We wonder why Gowdy did not drill down on Comey’s, no, below on the transcript page? The Constitution does not support Comey’s, no, to this question. Even during grand jury testimony, the subject may step out from the room to consult with their lawyer(s). This was a counterintelligence investigation as was the investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of classified information. We will point out that Hillary had four lawyers present during her FBI interview. While it is true that it is a citizen’s responsibility to invoke their rights under our constitution, it is also true that James Comey did endeavor to deprive Flynn of his constitutional rights as a U.S. citizen. This is further evident in that “Agent Chaos” did not inform, then acting Attorney General Sally Yates. In her testimony to the Inspector General’s investigators, she said she was upset and dismayed that James Comey did not seek permission to interview Flynn or at the least inform her of his pending action. Yates said she would have informed the White House counsel of the pending interview of Flynn. This all could be a smokescreen, but we don’t think so. “Agent Chaos” Comied Sally Yates once again in his pursuit to undermine the Executive Branch of our government. What did “Agent Chaos” have on President Obama for him not to have fired “Agent Chaos”?

James Comey did not tell President Trump that his national security adviser, who has the highest security clearance level, committed a felony. We ponder, if you as the president of the United States can’t trust the Director of the FBI, then it stands to reason, as president you can’t trust anyone in the FBI. If you recall, the press hounded President Trump over his slowness to fire Flynn, citing that the president had endangered national security by not firing Flynn sooner. That’s all on James Comey, “Agent Chaos,” for endangering national security by deceiving President Trump.

Agent Chaos’ time being paid by the taxpayers comes to an end. James Comey did what Russia did in 2016. He sowed chaos and division. Why hasn’t someone in the media accused James Comey of being an agent for Putin?


And so, as did Hillary Clinton, James Comey transmitted classified information over the internet to people that had no security clearance.

The IG rightly points out elsewhere in the report that Comey’s memos were the result of his employment with the FBI that afforded him access to the President of the United States and henceforth were products of his government employment and are the government’s property.

On the second page: 1 Comey is lying to President-Elect Trump. James Clapper, the past Director of National Intelligence[DNI] admitted he told Jake Tapper at CNN about the content of Comey’s one on one meeting with Donald Trump.

2 Comey in the green box has destroyed his assertion that his memos are his property. He is unknowingly agreeing with the IG.

3 Comey is lying to Donald Trump. Donald Trump is under an investigation by the FBI to find anything that will allow “them” to reverse the results of the presidential election.

These two pages prove Comey was lying to Donald Trump when he told Trump; we don’t want to give the appearance that you are under an investigation by the FBI. If fact, Comey was trying to pump Donald Trump for information as part of their counterintelligence investigation against him.

Comey knew he could have given his memos to the IG or to Congress. The IG answers to no one in the Justice Department. Comey leaked the contents of memo 4 in regards to his conversation with President Trump and Trump’s alleged statement on General Flynn.


1 We find it interesting that Comey is concerned that others use established channels, but Comey didn’t use established channels when he sent FBI agents to interview General Flynn. Comey was suppose to inform the Acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, and the White House’s counsel beforehand; he did not do so.

2 Read it and then look at all the rules and laws Comey violated on the second page within the green box. Luckily for Comey, he didn’t share memo 3 outside of the FBI.


You may read the IG’s report on James Comey or downloaded here from this link>https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2019/o1902.pdf

Published by Chief Editor, Sammy Campbell. Researched by Mark Pullen.